In case you were wondering, there are a lot of us in LA -24 to be exact - with our house in ELA; Casa Dorothy Kazel, "DK" in South LA (5 JVs); Casa Maura Clark in Santa Monica (7 JVs); and Casa Jean Donovan, "JD" in Koreatown (7 JVs). This is all of us, hanging out at DK a couple of weekends ago. I'm in the second row, next to Emily who drove Jen and me from the airport to Orientation (she is amazing!). Next to Emily is Dana and next to her is Paula. Colleen is on the opposite side of the 2nd row in the green shorts, and Greg is in the top row, 3rd from the right. Yay for LA!!
Looks like some serious Jesuit partying. JK. You look great! I hope it's fun!